... and I simplify the confusing world of friendship and connection. You’re here because you are seeking for something more than what shows up on social media. You want something more than surface level. You’re here for real connection, for strategies that aren’t just fluff, and for a partnership that will ignite your members and help you create a place where everyone wants to be.

hey there!

I'm KJ -

what I bring to the table


I’m the one who is going to help you unlock that inner drive and sharpen your unique strengths to build meaningful, life-long relationships. I bring to the mic over 15 years of building skills and growing communities. My workshops, keynotes, and online courses give you the tools to create a community of confident, compassionate individuals who live with joy, purpose, and a whole lot of impact.

You’re my kind of person if you’re craving to improve your life and the lives around you through more meaningful connections. You know that self-improvement is the greatest gift you can give your community. You know there’s power in belonging and you’re aching for friendships that dig deeper. You’re ready for the plot twist in your story and just want to know how to do it. And honestly – you are ready to be seen, heard, and celebrated for exactly who you are.


Joy, happiness, peace, and contentment is rooted in five things:


2 - mental health

3 - PHYSICAL health



I’m here to tackle all those boxes with you, and some other ones too. Let’s redefine what it means to be healthy in your body without talking about the image you see in the mirror. Relationships are our lifelines, the roots that keep us grounded and the branches that let us reach new heights. Together, you’ll learn how to cultivate connections that aren't just aesthetic, but real, profound bonds. I’ll be right there with you, helping you find the ingredients to light up your soul. It's time to write a new story.

straight talk

I’m not your average speaker.  You won't find anyone better when it comes to recruitment and relationship building. I’m tackling toxic romantic relationships and productive conflict with the fierceness they deserve. I come from a lineage of strength – no underdog story here. I embrace all experiences. Where some speakers are able to just copy a recipe, I'm creating a whole new cuisine.



my promise to you

From the moment I stepped out of college and into my first job with my own sorority, I knew my knack was in connecting with women – really connecting. No pretenses, no masks. After a stint in grad school, I hustled my way from a small group coach to the speaker I was meant to be. And now? I’m on a mission to bring fun, light, and dead-on accuracy to a world that’s hungry for someone to say it like it is.


I’m here to help you build those long-haul relationships, to show you that your ‘flaws’ are never fatal, and to prove that openness is your ticket to real acceptance. I’m here to make you laugh at life’s unexpected curveballs, to help you think big picture, and to instill in you a passion for people that turns every conversation into a spark of true connection.

my wish for you

I’m KJ McNamara, and I'm here to do it a little differently. With a blend of raw honesty, quick wit, and strategies that actually stick, my sessions are about turning 'oh no' moments into 'aha!' ones. Let's build your unique strengths and create communities that are vibrant and full of life. Because when we get real, we get results.

"KJ is captivating and empowering! Her engaging delivery of content, audience participation activities, and calls to action leave attendees inspired to implement what they’ve practiced and learned in their time with KJ. KJ simplifies difficult concepts and inspires students to career professionals to open their minds and try new tactics to be excellent in their environment. "

Laura Beth McKew

Kappa Delta Sorority National Vice President-Collegians

"KJ draws students, staff, and faculty in with her authenticity, vulnerability, and storytelling ability. As a lifelong leader and learner, KJ is dedicated to keeping her work fresh and relevant to the student populations she is invited to work with. With natural talent as both a large-scale speaker and facilitator, KJ is able to work with campus-based professionals to best meet the needs of the audience. Students regularly comment on how impactful KJ is in and outside of the classroom space when she comes to work with the campus communities I am part of. Possibly the most powerful endorsement for KJs work is that students speak about and practice what they learn from KJ long after she has been with them. KJ is a staple in working with the student populations I have the pleasure of serving."

Samantha Armstrong Ash, PhD

Dean of Students, Eastern Washington University & Adjunct Faculty, Gonzaga University

"KJ's talk on conflict? Life-changing! We all deal with drama, but she showed us how our own vibes influence how we handle it. Walked away with new strategies for those tough convos. Feeling so much more prepared to keep my relationships tight. Thanks, KJ!"


Kappa Kappa Gamma

I’m KJ McNamara – speaker, entrepreneur, confidence coach, and your new best friend in the quest for better relationships and communities. I don’t do this to feel important; I do this because I am damn good at it, and because I sincerely love helping you become the absolute best version of yourself.

So, what do you say? Ready to work together and spark a revolution in your community?