keynotes +

I’m KJ McNamara, and I'm here to shake things up. With a blend of raw honesty, quick wit, and strategies that actually stick, my sessions are about turning 'oh no' moments into 'aha!' ones. Let's build our unique strengths and create communities that are vibrant and full of life. Because when we get real, we get results.



Finding Our Place:

Ever feel like your sorority is more of a revolving door than a welcoming home? Let's change that. "Finding Our Place" isn't just another recruitment tactic; it's about building a community that's as welcoming as your favorite coffee shop. I'm here to show you how to turn your sorority into the 'third place' for everyone. We’ll dive into creating a culture that’s deeper than just shared interests - a culture that’s about real connections, meaningful experiences, and, of course, a whole lot of fun. Together, we'll map out the strategies to not only bring in new members but keep them, turning fleeting encounters into lasting bonds.


How To Fight Fair:

Think navigating conflict is like walking a tightrope in high heels? You're not alone. As women in leadership, we're often caught in the tangle of being assertive yet likable. This workshop is about untangling that knot. We'll explore the science behind why conflict feels different for women and arm you with four unique approaches to handle it like a pro. Learn to turn disagreements into opportunities for growth, strengthening your relationships, sisterhood, and leadership skills along the way.

Navigating Conflict as a Female in Leadership

Red Flag Relationships:

Let's talk about the elephants in the dating room - those big, bright red flags we too often choose to ignore. In this eye-opening session, we’ll discuss how to set boundaries and recognize the signs of a healthy vs. unhealthy relationship. Whether you’re helping a friend or looking out for yourself, these insights are about empowering you to know when to stay and when to walk away. It’s about learning from the past and building a future with relationships that are as healthy as they are happy.

Recruit like a Pro:

Ready to make your next recruitment the best one yet? "Recruit like a Pro" is your toolbox for transforming the way you attract new members. We’re talking about strategies that go beyond the basics, teaching you how to engage in meaningful conversations and create connections that last. This session is about giving your chapter the confidence and skills to not just meet new members but to truly connect with them.

HOW TO SPOT 'EM and Drop 'em

Tools necessary to excel at sorority recruitment

let's do this